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Rhythm Dogs to give Post-Convention Relief concert at O'Connor's

Dog Pound:

With exactly 100 days to go before Armageddon, it’s time to take a break from watching delegates making life-altering decisions on our behalf wearing stupid hats and listening to incoherent sloganeering and speeches by C-list celebrities. It’s also time to elevate your musical experience. At the RNC, former SNL bandleader – and Hall & Oates guitarist! – GE Smith filled the dead air between mind-numbing speeches with classic rock songs by The Who, Rod Stewart, the Knack, and Canada’s own Rush. And what about that cover of a David Bowie song about cocaine? And that was all on Day One of the RNC!

So it’s time for some relief, and we invite you to join (((Rhythm Dogs))) Mark Burdon (drums), Gregorio Pequodawoddy (trombone), Mary-Sue Tobin (saxes and attitude), Chris Azorr (keys), and Mark von Bergen (bass) at O’Connor’s this Saturday, August 6, at 8:00 P.M. to do just that. As an added attraction, O’Connor’s has lifted its ban on catching Pokémons there (7850 SW Capitol Hwy. in Multnomah Village) and there will be a special balloon drop at the end of the evening of the kind that would dazzle even Bill Clinton.